
Monday 19 May 2014

How To Make A Felt DIY Pansy Flower Bookmark Tutorial

You may remember at Christmas last year I took part in a Link Up run by Laura, who pens the gorgeous blog Bugs & Fishes

My contribution was How to Make Reusable Felt Gift Tags

Well, Laura's running another Link Up today and this time the topic is Flowers.

I had been trying to decide which flower to work on, when I went past a friend's garden last week and saw these beauties:

So I thought I'd share a tutorial on how to make a Felt Pansy Flower and turn it into a bookmark:

You Will Need:

Small Scraps of Yellow Felt
Small Scraps of Purple Felt
Purple Embroidery Thread


1. Cut out all the felt pieces using the template at the end of the tutorial and arrange the pansy pieces as follows:

2. Using 2 strands of purple embroidery thread, start sewing on the detail. Use a combination of small and longer straight stitches, pulling the thread as tightly as you feel you can (without it snapping!) as you want to ruck up the petals a bit to give them some definition:

3. Cut a length of ribbon, using a book as your guide. I used a book that is typical of the size books I read, but if you wanted to make this for a child you might want it a little shorter:

4. Glue the front of the ribbon to the back of your pansy and then glue a circle of purple felt over the back of the ribbon and the pansy:

5. Add the button of your choice to the bottom of the ribbon using the purple embroidery thread:

Well Done :-D You have a Felt Pansy Bookmark!!

Hope you've enjoyed this tutorial. As always, it'll be on the main Tutorials Page along with all the others and linked up over at Bugs and Fishes... I'll do a post later in the week with all the others in the link up if you've come here via a different route.

PS. I did make some other sizes of pansies when trying out this tutorial - the medium one is on the template, but the two little ones I just did freehand:

I have also got a range of patterns that are for sale which you can find in my Etsy Shop and my Craftsy Shop - if you'd like a pattern for something specific, do let me know and if I think it'll be a popular one I'd be happy to draft it :-D


  1. I love the 3D-ness of the pansy, it is really pretty.

  2. That's a really lovely idea... and a great stocking filler!

  3. Pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great tute for a really good looking pansy. Just need some purple, then good to go! Thanks


I really appreciate all comments made on the blog (it reminds me that I'm not talking to myself!) so just wanted to say thanks for adding your thoughts. Simmi x