
Monday 9 September 2013

How do you calm down an excitable child?

Well, as most of you know my eldest, Seren, started school last week... it was a VERY exciting week for her. And seriously exhausting for all concerned!!

First of all we had a special day out with just Mummy & Daddy on Monday (to Cheltenham for posh nosh) while Patrick was in nursery - I've not seen her so excited and happy in a long time (and she's always pretty excited and happy!)

And then on Tuesday she was up bright and early (!!) and in her new School Uniform! SO cute :-)

Then of course Patrick wanted to get in on the action:

And then madam's best friend (and future husband according to her!) arrived for the walk to school:

Gonna be showing this one at their wedding!!!

What the two weeks of funny hours whilst they "settle in" means though is that I'm all over the shop and don't know who I'm supposed to be taking & collecting when... it's left me rather disorientated!

But only this week left and then Seren'll be doing full days and I'll be back to a proper routine.

Awww I feel all teary at the thought of having a baby old enough for school! Sniff...... *deep breaths* and I'm fine :-)

PS. The answer to the blog post title is of course, you can't! Just ride it out and hope you have enough caffine & alcohol to cope with it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh your little girl looks so proud and cute. I love her skirt, much nicer than the ones I could get when my daughter was at school. I hope shes having a wonderful time at school. I'm sure she's worn out with the change and planning a wedding :)
    Have a lovely day.
    Ali x


I really appreciate all comments made on the blog (it reminds me that I'm not talking to myself!) so just wanted to say thanks for adding your thoughts. Simmi x