
Monday 15 October 2018

Sew a Halloween Softie - Frankenstein's Friendly Monster

Oh. My. Gawd.

It's been over a year and a half since I last shared a blog post, and that was a 'Sew a Softie' tutorial.

Life has kinda taken over.

What's happened?

Well in the last year and a half we have moved countries! We were in the UK and now we're in Ireland... not very far away, but still and all...!

So anyway, on with the business at hand... sewing your own Friendly Frankenstein's Monster - we'll call him Fred, Fred the Friendly Frankensteiny!

You Will Need:

Felt in mint green, brown and white
1 pipe cleaner
Toy stuffing
Thread in black, white, mint green, grey and brown
Pattern (at the end of this tutorial)


1. Using 2 strands of brown thread, stitch on the brown hair piece to one of the green face pieces.

2. Using 1 strand of white thread, stitch the white eyes to the felt, leaving enough room for the eyebrow(s)!

3. Using 2 strands of black thread, stitch on the eyeballs, which is easiest if you outline the eyeballs first.

4. Then go back and fill them in with your black thread, keep going over the white parts until completely filled in with the black thread.

5. Stitch on the details, starting with the eyebrows (monobrow!) and then the nose and mouth using 2 strands of black thread. And then using 2 strands of the grey thread stitch on a scar or two, wherever you like. If you struggle to stitch on the details freehand, you can draw the details on first with a pencil or with an air drying pen.

6. Then bend your pipe cleaner into the bolt shape. Try and keep the ends of the pipe cleaner in the middle of your bolt piece, so that they are hidden inside the head once you stuff it. Then using your green thread stitch the bolt into place on the back head piece, or if you don't want to see the stitches you can glue the pipe cleaner in place.

7. Start stitching the front and back head pieces together at the pipe cleaner, using 2 strands of green thread. Work around the bottom of the head and up to the hairline.

8. Stitch around the hair piece, using 2 strands of brown thread, through all 3 layers of felt. Once you get back to the green felt, stuff the softie with the toy stuffing and then stitch up the gap using green thread.

And then you have a Friendly Frankensteiny Softie!

I hope you enjoyed this Halloween tutorial and if you'd like to check out our other tutorials, see HERE.

I'll be sharing the link to this tutorial on Facebook and Instagram where you'll also find other Halloween softie tutorials, by using the hashtag #sewasoftie