
Friday 18 March 2016

How To - Felt Easter Peeps Bunnies Tutorial

Being from the UK peeps aren't something I'd ever come across before, but I've seen loads of crafty peeps tutorials this year so I ordered some of the little marshmallow bunnies for my little bunnies for their Easter Egg Hunt and I thought I'd make some felt peeps too.

These are dead easy to make and would make a lovely alternative to chocolate. Or to have with chocolate!

You will need:

Felt in your chosen peep colour
Matching embroidery thread
Scrap of black felt & black thread
Small amount of stuffing
Templates at the end of this tutorial


1. Cut out 2 peep bodies and 1 length of felt 1/2 inch (0.75cm) wide and 16 inches (40cm) long (and two small black eyes, one small black nose - not shown as there's always something I forget to photograph at the beginning!)

2. Using 1 strand of corresponding embroidery thread, starting on the body of the peep, whip stitch the long strip to the body.

3. Once you've gone all the way round, cut off any excess from the length of felt and stitch the ends together.

4. Next take your 3 small circles of black felt and stitch them onto the peep body in the same positions as in the picture.

5. Whip stitch the other body piece onto the long length of felt. Stop before you get to the end so there's a space for adding the stuffing.

6. Stuff the peep firmly but not so he's bulging! Whip stitch closed the hole and sit back and admire your work!

You can make these little fellas in any colours you like and they will be loved for many Easters to come I'm sure of it!
