
Tuesday 23 February 2016

I'm Struggling.

I am very aware that I've not posted much in the last couple of months.

I find it really hard in winter to motivate myself to do things like researching topics for blog posts, or creating tutorials, or being interesting.

I feel rather like I'm here talking to myself anyway and so no-one will notice if I just sneak off quietly and don't post. I get into the mindset where I just want to snuggle down on my sofa, with endless tea, Chocolate, biccies and cake. It doesn't help that I desperately want to lose some weight but guess what? I can't motivate myself to leave the Damn biscuit tin alone! I am my own worst enemy. And so I've gone fron week to week thinking I'll blog this week and never quite getting round to it.

But that's not really fair on those of you crazy lovelies who do read my blog and actually want to listen to me rambling on!

So just for you few, I will try and be a bit more consistent.

We've just had the Feb half term here in the UK and whilst in a way I was hoping for snow (yeah, some hope!) We actually had beautiful weather and were able to spend quite a bit of time outside. For once I didn't spent half the week wishing they were back at school already and we had a really nice time. One thing the kids did which they LOVED was Go Ape. Have you heard of it? It's a tree top adventure. Originally just built for adults they've recently opened a kids one near us.

I wasn't brave enough to go up with them (and frankly I felt far too fat to be trussed up in a harness!) So I let the other adults in the group go up and I took photos! Great 😀

One thing I did manage to get done this week was creating these cute little Easter Pocket Pals

They're available in my Etsy shop and also my Folksy shop

And here's a behind the scenes shot of their official photoshoot!

Thursday 4 February 2016

Handmade Dog Hat

Happy 1st Birthday!!!

It's our not-so-little Pup's birthday today... she's totally unimpressed by turning 1 as you can see:

Her Birthday Hat was made up yesterday and has a felty number 1, two bones and a paw print on it!

Bless her little furry feet... she's now fast asleep under my desk (on my feet!) after a lovely morning romping through the forest with her doggy friends.

It's a dog's life, eh?