
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Rainbows

I'm starting a new theme which I know a number of other blogs do, called Wordless Wednesday (so after this one they'll be wordless!) and I'll be sharing some of my favourite photos from around the webisphere.

This week is one of my favourite topics - Rainbows, more of which can be found on my Pinterest Board

Source - Meditation Temptation Tumblr

Source - Most Beautiful Pages

Source - Imgfave

Source - The Fox Is Black

Monday 6 October 2014

Poppies, Poppies, Poppies

It's all about the Poppies at this time of year!

Last year I posted about all the items I make with poppies - during October & November this year, like the last 2 years I'm going to be donating part of the profits from Poppy Sales to the Royal British Legion.

The most popular items are the brooches, which come in two sizes, large & small, with or without leaves:

Then there are the Poppy Keyrings (which are the smaller sized Poppy with a ribbon and a split ring attached):

And the Poppy Shoe Clips, which have so far been made to be used with baby shoes, so are the smaller size, but could always be made with the larger poppies for adults shoes:

Watch this space as there will also be a special, limited edition, Poppy Candle Mat coming into the Etsy Shop soon!

This year, the donation will be going straight to my local branch of the Royal British Legion, which has recently been established and is currently raising money to get it's colours.